In a Coma for 19 Days – 4 Life Altering Events That Have Tested Her Resiliency

Andrea Heuston is the CEO and Creative Principal of Artitudes Design, an award-winning creative agency. She has over 20 years experience in the design industry and has won several awards including Puget Sound Business Journal’s 40 under 40, the Annual Enterprising Women of the Year Awards for Enterprising Women Magazine, Cambridge Who’s Who, Key4Women Achieve Award, and more.

Andrea holds a degree in Communications and Design from the University of Washington. Apart from being an entrepreneur, Andrea is a speaker, author, and a volunteer who helps plan, purchase, prepare, and serve meals for the members of The Matt Talbot Center.

Andrea is also the host of the Lead Like a Woman Show

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn: 

  • Andrea Heuston talks about how she ended up on a coma for 19 days
  • What is a lap band surgery, why Andrea decided to do it, and the positive results she observed post-surgery
  • Andrea recalls what happened during and after her surgery and how her husband sought get her treated 
  • Andrea talks about being put under medically-induced coma and her eventual recovery
  • The medical expenses the family incurred because of a rejected insurance claim before Obamacare
  • Andrea shares her realizations about the role of her family and friends in her recovery process and the lessons she learned
  • The need for a sense of resiliency, non-victim mentality, and optimism in life

In this episode…

Twelve years ago, Andrea decided to have a lap band surgery because she was unhappy with her body weight and wanted to get to her ideal body weight. What she didn’t know was that the positive results she experienced post surgery would be short-lived and that it would instead turn into a series of events that would require her to be placed under a medically-induced coma.

It was an experience that opened up her eyes to the importance of family and friends in a patient’s recovery process, and it also made her realize a few things about herself that she believes other people should be aware of as well.

In this episode of the Lead Like a Woman Show, Andrea gets interviewed by Dr. Jeremy Weisz of Rise25 in her own show about how her experiences as a coma patient impacted not just her life but the lives of the people she was closest to. Tune in as she talks about why she decided to get surgery,being diagnosed with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), being in a coma for 19 days, and the lessons learned from her experience.

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This episode is brought to you by Artitudes Design by Andrea Heuston. Artitudes Design is an award-winning creative agency that has been creating visual communication for Fortune 500 companies for over 25 years. They have worked with notable companies such as Microsoft, Starbucks, Expedia, and have also served startups and nonprofit organizations.

They specialize in connecting speakers with audiences by creating visual value with presentations and through the creation of motion graphics, video, and content.

To learn more about Artitudes Design, visit their website today. Checkout their portfolio to see their previous projects, and contact them today to find out how they can help you bring your business a cut above the rest.


House Burned Down: 4 Life-Altering Events That Have Tested Andrea Heuston’s Resiliency

Andrea Heuston
Andrea Heuston is the CEO and Creative Principal of Artitudes Design, an award-winning creative agency. She has over 20 years of experience in the design industry and has won several awards such as the Puget Sound Business Journal’s 40 under 40, the Annual Enterprising Women of the Year Awards for Enterprising Women Magazine, Cambridge Who’s Who, and the Key4Women Achieve Award. 

Andrea holds a degree in Communications and Design from the University of Washington. She is a speaker, author, and a volunteer who helps plan, purchase, prepare, and serve meals for the members of The Matt Talbot Center. Andrea is also the host of the Lead Like a Woman Show where she features top women leaders in order to share their inspirational stories on life and leadership.

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn: 

  • Andrea recalls how her house burned down and how family and friends helped Andrea after the tragedy
  • Why Andrea loves staying at her now renovated house
  • Andrea’s realizations and learnings from that experience
  • The best thing that came out of that experience for Andrea
  • Where to learn more about Andrea Heuston

In this episode…

Every August, Andrea Heuston and her family had made it a tradition to go on vacation at their family’s beach house. Five years ago, the trip took an unexpected turn as the house they loved burned down.

Andrea and her two sons found themselves in a burning house on a cold night and had to save themselves from the fire. What seemed like a small flame ended up consuming the entire house, but instead of this experience dampening Andrea’s spirits, it led her to realize things about herself that she had somewhat forgotten about.

In this episode of the Lead Like a Woman Show, Andrea Heuston gets interviewed by Dr. Jeremy Weisz of Rise25 about one of four life-altering events that happened to her. Tune in as she recalls the eventful night where she saw her house burning down, how family and friends stepped up to help them, and find out her biggest takeaways from one of the most heartbreaking moments in her life.

Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

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This episode is brought to you by Artitudes Design by Andrea Heuston. Artitude Design is an award-winning creative agency that has been creating visual communication for Fortune 500 companies for over 25 years. They have worked with notable companies such as Microsoft, Starbucks, Expedia, and have also served startups and nonprofit organizations.

They specialize in connecting speakers with audiences by creating visual value with presentations and through the creation of motion graphics, video, and content.

To learn more about Artitudes Design, visit their website today. Checkout their portfolio to see their previous projects, and contact them today to find out how they can help you bring your business a cut above the rest.