Dr. Michelle Jorgensen is the Founder of Total Care Academy, which teaches dentists to provide health-based dental care, and Living Well with Dr. Michelle, where she offers guidance for healthy living and natural health care. As a Functional Integrative Dentist (DDS) and a Board Certified Traditional Naturopath (BCTN), she founded Total Care Dental and Wellness to combine dental and overall health to heal chronic diseases. Dr. Michelle started the Living Well Foundation, a nonprofit providing organic, locally grown food and teaching communities how to grow their own food.

Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:
- Dr. Michelle Jorgensen’s impetus for founding Living Well with Dr. Michelle
- How Dr. Michelle educates her patients on transforming their health
- What does it mean to live well?
- The significance of self-sufficient living
- The Living Well Foundation’s mission
- Dr. Michelle talks about her journey into entrepreneurship
In this episode…
Research shows that 50-60% of people haven’t reached an ideal level of happiness. They often reference guides on attaining happiness, not recognizing that it’s a subjective state of mind differing between individuals and cultures. What actionable steps can you take to achieve happiness and general well-being?
After developing mercury poisoning from exposure to metal cavity fillings, naturopathic dentist Dr. Michelle Jorgensen was ready to sell her practice. However, discovering the power of homegrown foods and holistic care led her to a life of health, wellness, and satisfaction. Dr. Michelle maintains that fear, negativity, and scarcity are harmful and limiting environments. Through self-sufficient living, you can gain the skills and abilities to care for yourself, creating security and vigor.
Join Andrea Heuston in today’s episode of the Lead Like a Woman Show as she sits down with Dr. Michelle Jorgensen, the Founder of Living Well with Dr. Michelle, to discuss the importance of maximizing your health and well-being. Dr. Michelle shares her definition of living well, her journey into entrepreneurship, and how she helps patients transform their health.
Resources Mentioned in this episode
- Andrea Heuston on LinkedIn
- Andrea Heuston’s email: andrea@leadlikeawoman.biz
- Lead Like a Woman SpeakHer
- Artitudes Design
- Stronger on the Other Side: The Power to Choose by Andrea Heuston
- Dr. Michelle Jorgensen on LinkedIn
- Living Well with Dr. Michelle: Website | Instagram | YouTube | Facebook
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