Stephanie Camarillo is the President of Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO), Idaho. She sits on a global subcommittee for membership and serves on the Leadership Council for the National Federation of Independent Businesses. Stephanie started her career working in international business and academia. She had an “aha moment” one day and realized she was building programs in large organizations and could probably do the same on her own as an entrepreneur. With a dream of financial and time freedom in her mind and heart, she and her husband bought a residential cleaning business 15 years ago. Since then, it’s been an unexpected journey. She has learned that success often requires overcoming personal blocks. In order to be a better leader, she had to face and recover from decades of abuse as a child.
On the other side, Stephanie now knows that the secret is learning to live in a place of responsibility and in the present moment. Her 40 employees — most of them single moms with troubles much greater than hers — have shown her the way. She wants to share her journey with other entrepreneurs to help them see how their business can become a vehicle for personal and social change (and make money). She is currently writing a book called SHINE: How Empowered Employees Can Transform Your Workforce, and recently graduated from EO’s Global Speakers Academy (GSA). Stephanie and her family love to travel, and she is working toward expanding her business to different countries.
Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:
- Stephanie Camarillo’s reasons for buying a business and becoming an entrepreneur
- What went right when Stephanie started her business?
- Stephanie explains why she loves being a servant leader and how it has helped her business
- What inspired Stephanie to heal her past and grow?
- The strategies Stephanie uses to work herself out of her business
- Stephanie shares her little metal box story and talks about her upcoming book and speaking goals
- The best piece of advice Stephanie has received from a mentor and her advice to women on believing themselves
- Stephanie’s superpower and how to get in touch with her
In this episode…
Are you aware that empowering your employees is one of the best things you can do for your business? It can help motivate them, increase their productivity, and give them hope for the future.
This is what Stephanie Camarillo did in her residential cleaning business. She concentrated on empowering her employees to become better people, giving them a sense of purpose, and guiding them to work independently. She hired brilliant employees, and over the years, worked on honing their leadership skills. This has enabled her to step away from the business’ daily operations and focus on other aspects of her life.
Stephanie Camarillo, the President of Entrepreneurs’ Organization, Idaho, joins Andrea Heuston in this episode of the Lead Like A Woman Show to talk about her business and her inspiration to empower employees. Stephanie also talks about servant leadership, her strategies for working herself out of her business, and the importance of paying it forward. Stay tuned.
Resources Mentioned in this episode
- Artitudes Design
- Stronger on the Other Side: The Power to Choose by Andrea Heuston
- Stephanie Camarillo’s website
- Stephanie Camarillo’s email: stephanie@mollymaididaho.com
- Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO)
- EO’s Global Speakers Academy (GSA)
- The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It by Michael E. Gerber
Sponsor for this episode…
This episode is brought to you by Artitudes Design by Andrea Heuston. Artitudes Design is an award-winning creative agency that has been creating visual communication for Fortune 500 companies for over 25 years. They have worked with notable companies such as Microsoft, Starbucks, Expedia, and have also served startups and nonprofit organizations.
They specialize in connecting speakers with audiences by creating visual value with presentations and through the creation of motion graphics, video, and content.
To learn more about Artitudes Design, visit their website today. Checkout their portfolio to see their previous projects, and contact them today to find out how they can help you bring your business a cut above the rest.