Lorrie Morgan is the Owner and President of Red Hot Copy. She is considered an industry trailblazer in the world of emotional response copywriting and marketing, especially when it comes to selling to women. She founded her first company, Red Hot Copy, in 1999 so she could work anywhere, raise her family, and make a good living. Her highest values are family, freedom, and fun.
After studying closely with many communications legends, Lorrie takes established marketing formulas and adds her own feminine spin to increase conversion. She currently lives in Arizona on a 13-acre horse ranch with her partner. When not working on copy or mentoring other business owners, she is usually living out her big value fantasies by riding her horses, raising chickens, or shooting competitively.
Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:
- What made Lorrie Morgan start a copywriting business, and what went right in the business?
- Lorrie explains what The She Factor is and talks about the most creative copywriting project she has worked on
- How men are hardwired to protect and dominate while women are hardwired to build communities and connection
- What Lorrie loves about coaching others and owning a horse ranch in Arizona
- The best piece of advice Lorrie has received from a mentor and her advice to a woman looking to rise in her career
- Lorrie’s superpower and how to get in touch with her
In this episode…
One of the most common challenges women face in both their professional and personal lives is knowing when to say ‘Yes’ and when to say ‘No.’ They often put the needs of others before their own, and in the process, they end up forfeiting their own desires.
It is therefore important for every woman to identify and know where her priorities lie. You need to learn how to say ‘Yes’ only to the things that actually matter, and you have to be very protective of your time and take control of your life. You should never force yourself to tolerate things that don’t make you happy. If it’s not lighting your fire, you don’t have room for magic to happen!
In this episode of the Lead Like A Woman Show, Andrea Heuston is joined by Lorrie Morgan, the Owner and President of Red Hot Copy, to talk about communication crafted for women versus men. Lorrie also shares her copywriting background, her coaching work, and talks about her horse ranch. Stay tuned.
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This episode is brought to you by Artitudes Design by Andrea Heuston. Artitudes Design is an award-winning creative agency that has been creating visual communication for Fortune 500 companies for over 25 years. They have worked with notable companies such as Microsoft, Starbucks, Expedia, and have also served startups and nonprofit organizations.
They specialize in connecting speakers with audiences by creating visual value with presentations and through the creation of motion graphics, video, and content.
To learn more about Artitudes Design, visit their website today. Checkout their portfolio to see their previous projects, and contact them today to find out how they can help you bring your business a cut above the rest.